Warriors of The Heart: Women Wage Peace
JPP’s first installment of its Warriors of the Heart documentary series, focuses on the five year evolution of a grass-roots women’s peace movement in Israel and Palestine. Help us complete this groundbreaking film.

The Women Wage Peace (WWP) movement in Israel/Palestine upholds a decisive commitment to the power of ‘non-violent’ social activism, following in the footsteps of Gandi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.
In its partnership with Palestinian women, WWP calls for person to person dialogue emphasizing ‘radical listening’, without blame or shame. Their mission calls for equality, inclusivity, and frames ‘peace-negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis as a top priority of government policy — and demands that women be seated at the negotiating table.rtin Luther King Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.
We Carry The Dream
In August of 1963 at the age of 17, Stephen traveled from his home in New York to Washington DC for the Great March on Washington. The historic event changed his life, inspiring him on his journey as a peace and environmental activist, humanitarian, musician and author, together with longtime documentarian Robert Corsini. Funded by the Unity-and-Diversity World Council (UDC), JPP produced “We Carry the Dream” a 5½ minute music/video tribute to Dr. King.
“For many of us
the march from Selma
to Montgomery was about
protest and prayer.
Legs are not lips and
walking is not kneeling.
And yet our legs uttered songs.
Even without words,
our march was worship.
I felt my legs were praying.”