Without grassroots activism and the benefit of inclusive engagement on a person to person, community to community basis – healing long standing conflicts is a nearly impossible task.  Fulfilling the necessity for telling these stories is our mission and passion.



Warriors of The Heart

The Jerusalem Prayer Project’s documentary series ‘Warriors of the Heart; Peacemakers in the Holy Land’ tells stories of courageous Israelis and Palestinians breaking through barriers of separation, to forge new pathways to peace and reconciliation, outside the mainstream politics of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

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Women Wage Peace

In 2019 JPP plans to complete its first documentary project on the ‘Women Wage Peace’ movement in Israel and Palestine and is seeking funding to that end. ‘Warriors of the Heart: Women Wage Peace’, tells a remarkable story at a remarkable time and after two years of development, field production and editing, the documentary project is entering the final stretch.  Help us to cross the finish line.

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Adjacent to a key West Bank crossroads, near the Israeli settlement of Gush Etzion, “settler” Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Palestinian political activist Ali Abu Awwad have teamed up to build a peace center where they challenge long held animosities and advocate for peace between their peoples.

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We Carry the Dream

2018 was the 50th commemoration of Dr. King’s assassination and the 55th Anniversary of the ‘Great March’ on Washington. JPP’s EP Stephen Fiske wrote, produced and recorded a tribute to Dr. King, entitled ‘We Carry the Dream’ and together with filmmaker Robert Corsini, produced the music video for JPP.

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The Equation For Peace

Alliance for Middle East Peace Regional Director and Palestinian educator and activist, Huda Abuarquob articulates with great clarity what peace in Jerusalem means to the world – from a JPP interview in at the Jerusalem YMCA, Spring 2018.

JPP Interview with Huda Abuarquob 2018

