Warriors of the Heart: Women Wage Peace” is a full-length documentary film, four years in the making, telling the story of the growing Israeli and Palestinian Women’s Movement for Peace and reconciliation amidst the ongoing turmoil in the Holy Land.
Today, at the 70th Anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel, celebrations are tempered by heightened Palestinian resistance on the West Bank and Gaza, as the United States has acted to move it’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a highly controversial move that is sending shock waves around the region and world. And with tensions on the border with Gaza erupting, the work of ‘Women Wage Peace’ engaging in person to person, village to village reconciliation, has never been more important.
Facing incredible odds against them, three years ago a group of courageous Israeli and Palestinian women, fed-up with the intractable conflict between their peoples, came together to forge a new path forward that demanded inclusivity and direct interaction amongst people on both sides of the conflict. ‘Women Wage Peace’ are working to dispel the myth that there is not a critical mass of people, both Palestinian and Israelis, who demand their leaders make peace and not war.
In the midst of a highly patriarchal society, the women of Women Wage Peace, are standing with courage, dignity, and strength, speaking truth to power exemplifying a true “warrior of the heart” spirit. Their diligent efforts have paid off as the organization now boasts over 40,000 active members and has successfully brought mass demonstrations to the streets across Israel — showing the world that Palestinian women are there to be partners with Israeli women, for peace.
“Women can bring us as one tribe together,” says Huda Abuarquob, Regional Director, Alliance for Middle East Peace.
Adds Rivi Diamond, Women Wage Peace Organizer:” We’re the fastest growing grassroots movement in Israel right now and the most active out there physically in the streets…”
“We unify around the notion that only a political agreement will bring peace to this region… it’s not going to be another war, it’s not going to be if we purchase more tanks… and more airplanes… it’s only for achieving a political agreement that is accepted and respected by both sides…”
“We use a language that is very inclusive because we think that is the only way to get behind a political agreement…”